
  • YM新来的巨Ru技S 

    日期:2018-12-13 11:03:51 好评:0


  • MG-59体验

    日期:2018-11-29 21:35:04 好评:0


  • YLC又一大BO媚体验

    日期:2018-11-29 21:32:07 好评:0

    年龄:约22 相貌:7/10 其他描述:2 身高:162C 身材:3 皮肤:1 4 花式:3 语言交流:4 按摩指数:3 互动指数:4 服务指数:4 偷懒指数:1/10(指数越高,偷懒越严重) 偷钟指数:1/10(指数越高,偷钟越严重) 保守指数:2/5(指数越高,越保守) 技术参数...

  • 喜欢侯籽偷逃的可以一试

    日期:2018-11-26 16:07:48 好评:0

    今日有点事过到同和,点知大雨突袭。不远处便是同和地铁站,念起龙归地铁站附近的DM,于是即兴而去。注册几年了都无写过包胶,顺便带份包胶俾各位ly。虽然龙归远,不过话晒下半身支配行动。。 时间:四点半左右,目的地:出地铁口,应该系B2,跟住沿车流方向...

  • SYF很不错的体验

    日期:2018-11-26 16:03:12 好评:0

    【地址】:滨江东路 珠江泳场附近 【价格】:388+388+10小费 话说28晚上跟朋友想去桑拿,所以上论坛搜索了下电话,找到一个黄部长的。打电话过去订房,好谨慎。又说你是哪里得知的电话,又问你朋友号码多少,搞得我头晕。所以知道查询地址就赶往目的地。 地...

  • The special service of the car in Dongguan, HOLD can not liv

    日期:2018-11-24 10:18:30 好评:0

    Replyreload += , + 466332; I heard that there is a car shock to play now, I am very curious, so I can easily find the phone, immediately make a reservation, ask the specific process, let the manager arrange a young prostitute. After arrivin...

  • My friend and I chose the youngest two JSs in the audience.

    日期:2018-11-22 09:47:35 好评:0

    Replyreload += , + 467895; I made a friend on Friday, went to the sauna on Saturday, got up at 11am on Saturday, went to drink morning tea together, the end of the year, the law and order was out of control, I didnt want to go outside. Goin...

  • Do you need to pay attention to D?

    日期:2018-11-15 10:26:14 好评:0

    The first ban. Forbidden dress. Dressed in formal wear. Especially in formal suits. Not only does it feel like a white-collar temperament. It is a cocktail party between big companies. It will be more stressful than the relaxed atmosphere...

  • Super practical refusal

    日期:2018-11-13 10:15:46 好评:0

    Drinking alcohol on many occasions is really a test. If you cant drink alcohol, its best to learn to refuse alcohol, that is, you wont hurt your body, and you wont let the drinker disappoint....

  • Grab the new version [Action Wolf-DUOLUOZHIXIN] Second Post-

    日期:2018-11-03 23:59:18 好评:0

    [Experience time]: 2013.04.11 [Experience address]: Yali Kesi leisure club [business hours]: 24 hours [price]: Thai 138, European 238 [JS quantity]: 50-60 or so [JS quality 】: 70 points [environmental facilities]: 80-90 points [food and be...

  • When returning to the white rat, Ishii opened the foot of th

    日期:2018-11-03 23:58:48 好评:0

    In Shijing X Plaza, the newly opened massage trial offer is 30 yuan in recent days. Original price 199. Sometimes I pass by and see JS uniforms at night. I want to experience it. Therefore, when it comes back to the white mouse, it turns o...

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