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My friend and I chose the youngest two JSs in the audience.

Replyreload += ',' + 467895; I made a friend on Friday, went to the sauna on Saturday, got up at 11am on Saturday, went to drink morning tea together, the end of the year, the law and order was out of control, I didn't want to go outside. Going around, I proposed to go to the foot. As a result, I didn't open the door. I had to go to a regular foot massage next to it. We had planned it, and we had to go to the sauna for a while and ordered a regular foot massage for two hours. After the end of the footsteps, I called the reservation. I got the car and went to the hotel. I saw the van that can be shocked. There is an AV film on the car, but the car is very small. I am big and my legs are not straight. Therefore, I am certain. Will not try this car shock, about 10 minutes to the hotel (playing car shock, about 20 minutes), directly on the house to choose a woman. In the first round of three, only one trainee was OK, and the friend was chosen. (After coming out, my friend told me that I was 16 years old, regretted not to start first, and my intestines were remorseful.) I chose one in the third round. 650, tall enough, 18 years old, young, also belongs to the big skeleton (and I walked on the street, very well matched), I believe the combat power should be good. After entering the room, I jumped the red rope YW at the beginning, then KJ and the woman. Then there is the waterbed service, which is basically a rush. The second time is basically MM to do the service (the content is omitted, everyone imagines) tourists, if you want to view the hidden content of this post, please reply to the tourists, if you want to view the hidden content of this post, please reply to the tourists, if you want to view this post Hide content, please reply to this post contains more resources you need to log in to download or view, no account? Register now x