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The special service of the car in Dongguan, HOLD can not liv

Replyreload += ',' + 466332; I heard that there is a car shock to play now, I am very curious, so I can easily find the phone, immediately make a reservation, ask the specific process, let the manager arrange a young prostitute. After arriving at the train station, the manager arranged a special car to pick up. There was a surprise when I got on the bus. It turned out that there was a prostitute in the car. Now Dongguan, I can’t think of it, I can’t do it. When I get on the bus, MM will pull it up. Curtains, ask me if I want to serve, I want to accompany me to play the car shock, because I am in the last row, the car is still about twenty minutes to the station, it is a man can't stand it, and she is surrounded by the outer pants. Playing with the car on K, I looked at the people outside through the curtains, really exciting. I can't think of a special service in the car in Dongguan. While I am in the car, I feel the MM, and there is MM to do the service. I guess the most hard work is the driver. Because I have tried the MM service in the car, after entering the room, MM actually agreed to let me take pictures. This MM is only 18 years old, B wave, looks beautiful, and looks OK. One. I have a specific understanding of it, roughly, if you feel that JS is different after getting on the bus, just talk about the next day, no money, if you get a service after you get on the bus, give MM100 yuan. Visitors, if you want to view the hidden content of this post, please reply to the tourists, if you want to view the hidden content of this post, please reply to the tourists, if you want to view the hidden content of this post, please reply to the tourists, if you want to view the hidden content of this post, please reply to the tourists, If you want to view the hidden content of this post, please reply to the following content. You need to score more than 100 to browse the visitors. If you want to view the hidden content of this post, please reply to the visitors. If you want to view the hidden content of this post, please reply to this post. Resources You need to log in to download or view, no account? Register now x