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Continue to strengthen the economy and stabilize the situati


A comprehensive analysis of the current favorable and unfavorable factors facing China's economic development, maintaining and enhancing China's economic stability and good momentum, there is still much work to be done. We must adhere to Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the guide, implement the new development concept, and take targeted measures based on the current economic situation, new changes, and especially the obvious changes in the external environment.

Vigorously improve the quality of the supply system. The first is to make up the shortcomings as the key task of deepening the structural reform of the supply side, increase the strength of the infrastructure sector to complement the shortcomings, enhance innovation, develop new kinetic energy, open up the system to block production capacity, and reduce enterprise costs. The second is to enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise market, achieve the survival of the fittest through fair, open and orderly market competition, promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, improve quality and efficiency, and make outstanding enterprises continue to stand out. The third is to unswervingly deepen reforms, focus on improving the property rights system, and strengthen the decisive role of the market in resource allocation. Fourth, we will expand the opening up to the outside world, implement major measures to expand opening up and substantially relax market access, accelerate the integration of the world economy from various aspects such as industry, market, and rules, and actively participate in and promote the process of economic globalization.

Unleash economic power in the development of new industrialization and urbanization. At present, China is in a critical period of adjustment of the relationship between industrialization and urbanization. It should comprehensively implement policies, accelerate the rationalization of the relationship between industrialization and urbanization, promote the integration and development of new industrialization and urbanization, and continuously release the powerful driving force for China's modernization. First, accelerate the improvement of infrastructure and public services in large, medium and small cities, continuously improve the level of integration of production cities, urban popularity and urbanization rate, and promote the stable employment of rural migrants and the continuous growth of income. Second, vigorously do a good job in the overall planning of urban agglomeration development, rationally arrange land use, and ensure the development of urban and rural integration and rural revitalization. At the same time, based on the long-term goal of urban development, the high starting point and high standards will cover the urban and rural infrastructure and public service guarantee system. Third, according to the requirements of the integrated development of urban agglomerations, coordinate the use of financial funds on a larger scale, and at the same time improve the issuance of local bonds and ensure the necessary construction funds. The fourth is to resolve the problem of the real estate market, adhere to the city policy, promote the balance between supply and demand, rationally guide the expectations, rectify the market order, resolutely curb the rise in housing prices, and accelerate the establishment of a long-term mechanism to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. The fifth is to focus on ensuring and improving people's livelihood in development, focusing on complementing the shortcomings of people's livelihood and promoting social fairness and justice.

Improve macroeconomic regulation and control, and maintain a reasonable and sufficient liquidity. Adhere to the implementation of a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy to improve the forward-looking, flexible and effective policies. Fiscal policy should play a greater role in expanding domestic demand and structural adjustment. Monetary policy should supply good money to the general gate, and pay attention to maintaining a reasonable and sufficient liquidity. It is necessary to coordinate and coordinate the prevention and mitigation of financial risks and maintain a reasonable and sufficient liquidity relationship. First, resolutely clear out "zombie enterprises" and reduce the use of invalid funds. Continue to crack down on illegal financial institutions and activities, and firmly hold the bottom line where systemic financial risks do not occur. Second, for local government financing activities, local bond issuance should be improved in accordance with the principle of blocking the back door and opening the main entrance, speeding up the issuance and use of local government special bonds, and achieving early results in infrastructure projects under construction. Third, in view of the short-term liquidity tightening and the decline in investment growth rate, while strengthening the supervision of illegal financing activities, the modest social financing scale and liquidity are reasonably sufficient. Guide financial institutions to use the RRR cuts to support small and micro enterprises, market-oriented debt-to-equity swaps, etc.

Despite the steady consolidation of China's stable economy, we still need to increase our awareness of risks and keep an eye on the risks and challenges that may arise in economic development. At present, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Political Bureau meeting just held, we must adhere to the general tone of steady progress, maintain economic operations in a reasonable range, strengthen overall coordination, form policy synergies, and implement precise and meticulous work. Looking forward to the whole year, as long as we adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping’s socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, implement the central decision-making and scientific response to the risks and challenges in economic operations, China’s steady economic growth will not change, and the economy will be stable. The situation will continue to increase, and the financial order will be more standardized, the economic structure will continue to be optimized, the quality of supply will continue to improve, and high-quality development will take solid steps.