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What snacks do you eat won't get fat

One, what snacks can not be fat?
1. Green plum
The relatives of Ximei contain most of the ingredients of Ximei. It's the favorite of Japanese girls. Besides having weight loss effects, beauty and health care effects are also very good.

2. Xi Mei
The most perfect snack in the legend, rich in dietary fiber and various trace elements, is said to retain all the nutrients in the fresh fruit except for the vitamin C, the effect of gathering beauty, weight loss, health care, and less heat in its own. It is a healthy weight loss food that the greedy MM can not miss.

3. Raisin
Raisins are ideal weight loss foods with high fiber and potassium content, and they also contain rich vitamin C and E. It provides antioxidant protection for skin, effectively resists free radicals and reduces skin external environment.

4. Peanuts
Vitamin B2, which is rich in peanuts, is one of the vitamins that we lack in regular meals. So eat more peanuts. It can not only supplement the deficiency of vitamin B2 in daily diet, promote fat burning, but also help to prevent many diseases such as cleft lip, redness and itching of eyes, seborrheic dermatitis and so on.
In a survey, scientists found that those who ate peanuts lost 2 times more weight than those who did not eat peanuts. Of course, peanuts contain a lot of oil and eat about 10 pills a day.

5, the sea moss dream well, good dream
Generally speaking, the content of fat and cholesterol in the sea is not very high, amino acids, trace elements and other human nutrients are very rich, the sea moss are the same, low calorie, high fiber, rich in vitamin B, is said to be able to fight cancer.

6. Pumpkin seed
Pumpkin seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, carotene, peroxide and enzymes, which can ensure the blood flow of the brain. It is refreshing, radiant, and not easy to be obese.

7, pistachio copyright dedecms
Pistachios are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant elements. They are characterized by low fat, low calorie and high fiber. It is a healthy and wise choice. It can bring three benefits to health: the heart "bodyguard", the protection of vision, and the slender body.