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Good place for evil

Venue: Golden Dragon Hotel
Address: Yongtai
Consumption: 99,199,269

The first time I went to verify, I saw other LY saying that 328 was good. I wanted to try this technician. I didn’t want to go to the time. I went to the afternoon, 328 was working at 19 o’clock in the evening, so the minister arranged a random one. The first one is not satisfied, changed, the second one feels okay on her, Guangdong Qingyuan people, 90, 163's height, looks good, the skin is white, then it is beautiful, the chest may be A, not let Touch, the process is almost the same, the last ten minutes to help you press the younger brother, still quite comfortable, you can try this hobby, consumption 99 yuan, 199 has landed, 269 is BT, try 269 next time Report again