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Yide Road MJH Leisure Club Experience

Venue: Meijiahua Leisure Club
Address: Flying Park
Consumption: 368

I asked a friend about the special service there. After that, my friend told me a beautiful Jiahua, and then I teamed up with Mei Jiahua. After three people went together, I went to take a shower. After the shower, the younger brother took it. Clothes for me to wear, then I saw, my mother originally asked for money, and then I was very angry to find the minister, told the minister that you did not say that the money is directly for us to wear, so don’t give money if you want me to give money Immediately after the police, the minister cancelled the money for our clothes. Later, when I came to the lobby, I went to eat and found that it was too ordinary to eat too much. Some of them were very ordinary and very common. Some of the stews came out and were evaporated by a group of people.

I I went to the building to do the service with my friend. I have to say that the European service is the same as the Japanese one. It is not necessary to waste money to go to the European style. After going up, I have a room for each person. Later, the minister arranged a technician to come over. However, it is not bad to have meat but not fat. After that, I started to press the back with my hand and press it. I said that I can fly the plane first? She said that she could start flying. I didn't dare to catch the wave at first. After that, I couldn't help but grab it. Bobo had C feel, and then I caught the wave while I was flying. I probably played 40. Minutes of the plane I finally took off, but on the way to the plane,

I have been asking you whether you want to fly on both sides. If you want to add a clock, it is annoying. After the plane is finished, the technician does not massage and sleeps directly in the bed. This service is too Silent, but the technician told me that I can come out with a cannon. The specific price is not asked. After the service, I went to the bath and went to sleep. It was really fucking that the mosquitoes were not so bad. I didn’t fall asleep at night. I got up the next morning and found that the original clock was 100 and the plane was not the same technician. So I went to the clock and found that the attitude of the people in their early shifts was super bad. I was half-dead and finally took a shower and left. In fact, some of the services of this service are very good and poor.

The technicians of my friends can add nipples, but I am lucky, and most of the technicians inside are not very old. It is good, and I heard that the technician said that many of them can be privately agreed. It’s just that the environment and eating there are not too bad, but it’s too expensive to have more than 300 planes. It’s not going to be a second time.