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Yoga exercises help body adjustment and beauty.

There are a lot of fat girls, often shouting to lose weight, but always beaten by appetite, seeing all kinds of sports or all kinds of fitness equipment is headache, but today, the Yoga action is not the same, can practice at home, but you may insist on a long time, even if you are the bucket waist also has no problem.

1, plow
Lie on a yoga mat, draw your legs together, draw your legs up, raise your legs up and up, slowly lift your hips, your legs go over your head, the tip of your foot is behind the head, your hands hold your back, and you can also open it on the ground. Keep 30 seconds and slowly recover the action. This allows blood to flow naturally to the head, nourish the face and scalp, and balance the digestive system and endocrine system.

2. Erect deep and deep body posture
Stand upright, legs together, hands naturally on the side. Inhale. Exhaling, at the same time, the body is deeply flexed forward, and both hands slide down the thigh until they grasp the ankle. The head is perpendicular to the forehead and knee. Keep this position for a few seconds. Inhale, slowly straighten up and return to the position of action (1). Take a deep breath of yoga and repeat the above movements. At the beginner, the body posture can be repeated three times. After being proficient, the number of repetitions can be increased.

3, cat's back posture
Kneel on the floor of the exercise table, hold your hands together, straighten your arms and lower your head. Inhale first, let the abdomen droop, into the "saddle back" posture and then lift the head, make the sacrum upwards up: then exhale, bow the back, shrink the abdomen, and make the sacrum bend down. Once you have finished, breathe in again, repeat the above actions, repeat the number of times to comfort.

4. Supine alternation of legs
The main part of exercise: the lateral abdominal muscle. Hands in the neck, legs bent, and then one leg alternately push out, pedal the leg and the ground has a certain distance, but not too high, feet do not touch the ground, and then the other side. The elbow on one side is as close as the knee on the other side. Control with the lateral abdominal muscle. Each leg is pedaling 15 times, a total of three groups.

The main part of exercise: the abdomen. This action can be done on a chair or by the side of the bed. First, the center of gravity should be placed on the side of the chair, do not sit too much, keep the body tilted, hands behind the support, keep the balance, then the upper body and the leg to the abdomen to tighten the center to the abdomen, pay attention to the balance of the leg. Each group was 20 times, a total of three groups.